Barrage ( noun , verb )

(As a noun)

Barrage ( noun )

  1. A heavy curtain of artillery fire.
  2. A large number of criticisms or complaints.


French, from barrer "to bar" + -age.


  1. The enemy was caught in a barrage of bullets.
  2. She was hit by a barrage of questions from the reporters.
  3. The company faced a barrage of lawsuits.
  4. The city was hit by a barrage of missiles.
  5. The singer was overwhelmed by the barrage of adulation from her fans.

(As a verb)

Barrage ( verb )

  1. A heavy curtain of artillery fire.
  2. A large number of criticisms or complaints.


French, from barrer "to bar" + -age.


  1. The enemy was caught in a barrage of bullets.
  2. She was hit by a barrage of questions from the reporters.
  3. The company faced a barrage of lawsuits.
  4. The city was hit by a barrage of missiles.
  5. The singer was overwhelmed by the barrage of adulation from her fans.
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