Basilica (noun)

An early Christian church building having a nave and aisles with a clerestory, and typically a raised apse and a narthex at the west end.


From latin basilica, meaning 'royal hall or palace'.


  1. The Basilica of Saint Peter is the largest church in the world and a major tourist attraction in Rome.
  2. The basilica was decorated with beautiful frescoes and had a magnificent marble floor.
  3. The basilica was built on the site where Saint Peter was buried, and was a place of pilgrimage for the faithful.
  4. The basilica was the center of the Christian community and was used for religious ceremonies and sacraments.
  5. The basilica was the model for all the churches that were built in the centuries that followed, and its influence can be seen in the design of many cathedrals and churches today.
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