Bleeper (noun)

A device that makes a short, high-pitched sound as a signal, especially one that is used to alert someone to a message or a phone call.


Mid 20th century: probably from bleep.


  1. Bleepers were once used by pagers to signal incoming messages, but they have been largely replaced by more sophisticated devices.
  2. Bleepers were used by doctors and other medical professionals to alert them to emergencies, as they could be worn on their person and activated remotely.
  3. Bleepers are often used in emergency response situations, such as fires or natural disasters, to signal the arrival of help.
  4. Bleepers are also used in schools and other institutions to alert staff members to important announcements or changes in schedule.
  5. Some people find bleepers to be a nuisance, as they can be loud and disruptive, but they remain an important tool for many organizations and individuals.
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