Vacuity (noun)

  1. The state or quality of being empty or unoccupied.
  2. The lack of content, meaning, or ideas.


Early 17th century; earliest use found in john donne (1572-1631). from latin vacuitās emptiness, hollowness, from vacuus empty.


  1. The house had a sense of vacuity, as if it was devoid of any life or purpose.
  2. The vacuity of the argument was quickly exposed by the opposing counsel.
  3. He felt a profound vacuity in his life, as if everything he had accomplished was meaningless.
  4. The vacuity of modern life is often portrayed as a source of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
  5. She was filled with a sense of vacuity after losing her job, as if her entire identity was tied to her work.
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