Acerbity (noun)

  1. The state or quality of being sour, bitter, or sharp in taste or temper.
  2. The state or quality of being harsh, severe, or severe in manner or speech.


The word "acerbity" is a noun that refers to the state or quality of being sour, bitter, or sharp in taste or temper. it is derived from the latin word "acerbus" which means "bitter" or "sharp" in taste.


  1. The wine had an acerbity that was not to my liking.
  2. The acerbity of her tone made it clear that she was not happy.
  3. His acerbity was apparent in the way he spoke to the customer service representative.
  4. The acerbity in her voice made it clear that she was not happy with the situation.
  5. The acerbity in his words made it clear that he was not going to back down.
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