Acrostic (noun)

A poem or other form of writing in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a word or message when read in sequence.


The word "acrostic" is a noun that refers to a poem or other form of writing in which certain letters, usually the first in each line, form a word or message when read in sequence. it is derived from the greek word "akrostikos" which means "at the end of the lines" or "beginning of the lines".


  1. She wrote an acrostic poem for her friend"s birthday, where the first letter of each line spelled out the friend"s name.
  2. The acrostic was a way to make the poem more interesting and interactive.
  3. Many ancient poets used acrostic as a way to add a secret message or hidden meaning to their work.
  4. The acrostic poem was a fun way to add a personal touch to the gift.
  5. In an acrostic, the first letter of each line spells a word or phrase horizontally when read vertically.
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