Agree ( verb , verb )

(As a verb)

Agree ( verb )

  1. Have the same opinion about something; concur.
  2. Accept, comply, or assent to a proposal or request.
  3. Reach an understanding or arrangement with someone.


Late middle english: from old french agreer, from a- (from latin ad "to, at") + greer "please".


  1. I agree with you that it's time to leave.
  2. The management agreed to the employees' demands.
  3. We agreed on a price for the car.
  4. They agreed to meet next week.
  5. I'm sorry but I don't agree with your point of view.

(As a verb)

Agree ( verb )

  1. Have the same opinion about something; concur.
  2. Accept, comply, or assent to a proposal or request.
  3. Reach an understanding or arrangement with someone.


Late middle english: from old french agreer, from a- (from latin ad "to, at") + greer "please".


  1. I agree with you that it's time to leave.
  2. The management agreed to the employees' demands.
  3. We agreed on a price for the car.
  4. They agreed to meet next week.
  5. I'm sorry but I don't agree with your point of view.
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