Aid ( noun , verb )

(As a noun)

Aid ( noun )

  1. Help, support, or assistance.
  2. Financial or material help given to countries or organizations in need.
  3. A device or instrument that assists a person in performing a task or function.


Middle english : from old french aidier, from aider "help", based on latin adjuvare "to help".


  1. She gave him aid and support during his illness.
  2. The country received aid in the form of food and medical supplies.
  3. The aid station was set up to provide medical assistance to the runners.
  4. We sent aid to the victims of the natural disaster.
  5. This software provides an aid for people with visual impairments.

(As a verb)

Aid ( verb )

  1. Help, support, or assistance.
  2. Financial or material help given to countries or organizations in need.
  3. A device or instrument that assists a person in performing a task or function.


Middle english : from old french aidier, from aider "help", based on latin adjuvare "to help".


  1. She gave him aid and support during his illness.
  2. The country received aid in the form of food and medical supplies.
  3. The aid station was set up to provide medical assistance to the runners.
  4. We sent aid to the victims of the natural disaster.
  5. This software provides an aid for people with visual impairments.
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