Aloof ( adverb , adjective )

(As an adverb)

Aloof ( adverb )

At a distance, especially in feeling or interest; removed or distant in manner.


Middle english alof, from old english ælēaf "remaining, surviving, not killed".


  1. The woman stood aloof from the crowd.
  2. He remained aloof, not wanting to get involved.
  3. The cat looked at me aloof.
  4. He felt aloof from the rest of his family.
  5. The man stood aloof, not wanting to get caught up in the argument.

(As an adjective)

Aloof ( adjective )

At a distance, especially in feeling or interest; removed or distant in manner.


Middle english alof, from old english ælēaf "remaining, surviving, not killed".


  1. The woman stood aloof from the crowd.
  2. He remained aloof, not wanting to get involved.
  3. The cat looked at me aloof.
  4. He felt aloof from the rest of his family.
  5. The man stood aloof, not wanting to get caught up in the argument.
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