Antiaircraft ( adjective , noun )

(As an adjective)

Antiaircraft ( adjective )

Designed or intended for use against aircraft.


From the latin words "anti" meaning "against" and "aer" meaning "air" and "craft" meaning "vehicl.e"


  1. The military base had antiaircraft guns to defend against enemy planes.
  2. The soldiers were trained to operate antiaircraft missiles.
  3. The city built an antiaircraft wall to protect from bombing.
  4. The ship was equipped with antiaircraft artillery.
  5. The air force had antiaircraft radar to detect incoming threats.

(As a noun)

Antiaircraft ( noun )

Designed or intended for use against aircraft.


From the latin words "anti" meaning "against" and "aer" meaning "air" and "craft" meaning "vehicl.e"


  1. The military base had antiaircraft guns to defend against enemy planes.
  2. The soldiers were trained to operate antiaircraft missiles.
  3. The city built an antiaircraft wall to protect from bombing.
  4. The ship was equipped with antiaircraft artillery.
  5. The air force had antiaircraft radar to detect incoming threats.
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