Anticommunist ( adjective , noun )

(As an adjective)

Anticommunist ( adjective )

Opposed to communism and its principles, ideologies and practices.


From anti- ("against") + communist ("pertaining to communis.m")


  1. The government has adopted an anti-communist policy to ban all the books and movies that promote communism.
  2. Many anticommunist groups have been established to fight against the spread of communism.
  3. During the Cold War, the United States government was strongly anticommunist and supported anti-communist movements around the world.
  4. The anticommunist sentiment was high in the country and led to the persecution of many suspected communists.
  5. The novel is a powerful critique of the anticommunist witch-hunt of the 1950s.

(As a noun)

Anticommunist ( noun )

Opposed to communism and its principles, ideologies and practices.


From anti- ("against") + communist ("pertaining to communis.m")


  1. The government has adopted an anti-communist policy to ban all the books and movies that promote communism.
  2. Many anticommunist groups have been established to fight against the spread of communism.
  3. During the Cold War, the United States government was strongly anticommunist and supported anti-communist movements around the world.
  4. The anticommunist sentiment was high in the country and led to the persecution of many suspected communists.
  5. The novel is a powerful critique of the anticommunist witch-hunt of the 1950s.
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