Antiquarian ( adjective , noun )

(As an adjective)

Antiquarian ( adjective )

Relating to or dealing in antiques or antiquities.


From latin antiquarius, from antiquus ("ancien.t")


  1. The Antiquarian Society is an organization devoted to the study of ancient artifacts.
  2. The antiquarian bookshop specialized in rare and out-of-print books.
  3. He was an antiquarian collector of ancient coins.
  4. The museum has a large collection of antiquarian objects from ancient civilizations.
  5. He was an antiquarian scholar, who had devoted his life to the study of ancient history.

(As a noun)

Antiquarian ( noun )

Relating to or dealing in antiques or antiquities.


From latin antiquarius, from antiquus ("ancien.t")


  1. The Antiquarian Society is an organization devoted to the study of ancient artifacts.
  2. The antiquarian bookshop specialized in rare and out-of-print books.
  3. He was an antiquarian collector of ancient coins.
  4. The museum has a large collection of antiquarian objects from ancient civilizations.
  5. He was an antiquarian scholar, who had devoted his life to the study of ancient history.
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