Baster (noun)

A kitchen utensil used to baste food with its own juices or other liquids during cooking.


The word "baster" comes from the dutch word "basten" meaning "to baste" and was first used in the 17th century. it is a tool used to baste food with its own juices or other liquids during cooking.


  1. The baster is a handy tool for basting a turkey or other large bird in the oven.
  2. A baster is a long, narrow tube with a bulb at one end that is squeezed to suction up liquids and release them over food.
  3. The baster allows the cook to add moisture to food while it is cooking.
  4. The baster can also be used to add a flavorful glaze to meats and poultry.
  5. The baster is a very useful tool for keeping the food from drying out in the oven.