- Having a purifying or cleansing effect, especially on the emotions.
- Providing emotional release or relief through expression of strong feelings.
- Having a therapeutic or therapeutic effect on the emotions or mind.
From the greek kathartikos, meaning 'purifying' or 'cleansing'.
- Writing in her journal was a cathartic experience for her, helping her to process her feelings and work through her problems.
- The intense therapy session was cathartic for the patient, providing much-needed release from years of repressed emotions.
- Watching the movie was cathartic for the audience, as it allowed them to confront their own feelings and come to terms with them.
- The performance was cathartic for the singer, allowing her to express her emotions through her music and connect with the audience.
- The marathon was cathartic for the runner, allowing her to push herself to her limits and work through her stress and anxiety.