Collectivization (noun)

The process of centralizing control of resources, such as land or industry, in the hands of the state or a collective group, rather than allowing them to be owned and managed by individuals.


The word collectivization is derived from the french word collectiviser, which means to make collective or to organize collectively. the concept of collectivization refers to the process of centralizing control of resources, such as land or industry, in the hands of the state or a collective group, rather than allowing them to be owned and managed by individuals. .


  1. The collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union led to the forced relocation of millions of people and the loss of millions of lives.
  2. The Chinese government"s collectivization of industry in the 1950s helped to fuel the country"s rapid economic growth.
  3. Critics of collectivization argue that it stifles innovation and individual initiative.
  4. The collectivization of land in Cuba led to a significant increase in agricultural productivity.
  5. Some argue that collectivization of resources is necessary in order to achieve greater equality and social justice.
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