Commonplace ( adjective , noun )

(As an adjective)

Commonplace ( adjective )

  1. Ordinary, lacking in originality or interest.
  2. Widely known or commonly found.


Late 16th century: from common + place.


  1. The speech was full of commonplace remarks.
  2. The gift was a commonplace item.
  3. The story had a commonplace ending.
  4. The idea was a commonplace one.
  5. The sight was a commonplace one.

(As a noun)

Commonplace ( noun )

  1. Ordinary, lacking in originality or interest.
  2. Widely known or commonly found.


Late 16th century: from common + place.


  1. The speech was full of commonplace remarks.
  2. The gift was a commonplace item.
  3. The story had a commonplace ending.
  4. The idea was a commonplace one.
  5. The sight was a commonplace one.
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