Crust ( noun , verb )

(As a noun)

Crust ( noun )

  1. The hard outer layer or surface of something, such as bread or cheese.
  2. The hard outer layer that forms on the surface of a wound.
  3. A hard, dry, or brittle layer on the surface of soil or rock.
  4. A layer of the Earth's surface consisting of solid rock.


Middle english crusted, from old english crūst, from latin crusta "shell, crust".


  1. The bread had a hard crust.
  2. The wound formed a crust over time.
  3. The crust of the soil was dry and cracked.
  4. The crust of the Earth is composed of solid rock.
  5. The pizza had a golden and crispy crust.

(As a verb)

Crust ( verb )

  1. The hard outer layer or surface of something, such as bread or cheese.
  2. The hard outer layer that forms on the surface of a wound.
  3. A hard, dry, or brittle layer on the surface of soil or rock.
  4. A layer of the Earth's surface consisting of solid rock.


Middle english crusted, from old english crūst, from latin crusta "shell, crust".


  1. The bread had a hard crust.
  2. The wound formed a crust over time.
  3. The crust of the soil was dry and cracked.
  4. The crust of the Earth is composed of solid rock.
  5. The pizza had a golden and crispy crust.
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