Diphthong (noun)

A diphthong, in linguistics, is a sound formed by the combination of two vowel sounds within a single syllable. It can also be defined as a vowel sound that starts with one vowel and gradually changes to another.


The word diphthong comes from the greek word "diphthongos", which is a combination of "di" meaning "two" and "phthongos" meaning "sounds". in linguistic terms, a diphthong is a sound formed by the combination of two vowel sounds within a single syllable.


  1. In English, the words "boy" and "cow" contain diphthongs.
  2. Diphthongs are common in many languages such as Greek, German, and Mandarin Chinese.
  3. The diphthong "ou" in the word "soul" is pronounced differently than the "o" in "sober".
  4. The diphthong "au" in the word "cause" is pronounced differently than the "a" in "cat".
  5. The word "diphthong" itself is an example of a word that contains a diphthong in its pronunciation.
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