Flashpoint (noun)

  1. A critical moment or situation that could lead to an outbreak of violence, conflict, or war.
  2. A point at which a situation becomes extremely heated, intense, or volatile.
  3. The lowest temperature at which a liquid gives off sufficient vapor to ignite.


The word 'flashpoint' originated in the mid-19th century and is a combination of the words 'flash' meaning 'to ignite suddenly' and 'point' meaning 'a critical moment', and refers to a point of ignition or a moment of crisis.


  1. The border dispute between the two countries was a flashpoint for war.
  2. The announcement of the new policy was the flashpoint for the mass protests.
  3. The meeting between the two leaders was tense, with each side trying to avoid a flashpoint.
  4. The flashpoint of the fuel is important to determine the fire hazard of a chemical.
  5. The flashpoint of the oil was lower than expected, making it more flammable and dangerous.