Gutter ( noun , verb )

(As a noun)

Gutter ( noun )

  1. A channel along the edge of a roof for carrying away rainwater.
  2. A channel at the side of a road for carrying away surface water.
  3. A low or depressed area or channel.


Middle english: from old norse gutr 'gutter, channel', of west germanic origin.


  1. He climbed up the ladder to check the gutter for any blockages.
  2. The water from the rain flowed into the gutter and down the drain.
  3. The ball rolled into the gutter and was lost.

(As a verb)

Gutter ( verb )

  1. A channel along the edge of a roof for carrying away rainwater.
  2. A channel at the side of a road for carrying away surface water.
  3. A low or depressed area or channel.


Middle english: from old norse gutr 'gutter, channel', of west germanic origin.


  1. He climbed up the ladder to check the gutter for any blockages.
  2. The water from the rain flowed into the gutter and down the drain.
  3. The ball rolled into the gutter and was lost.
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