Hieroglyph (noun)

A writing system used in ancient Egypt, consisting of pictorial symbols and signs used to represent words, sounds, or concepts.


From greek hieros (sacred) + glyphein (to carve), hence a sacred symbol carved in stone.


  1. The Rosetta stone provided the key to decoding hieroglyphs, allowing scholars to finally understand the messages inscribed on ancient Egyptian monuments.
  2. The tomb was filled with elaborate hieroglyphs, depicting the life and achievements of the pharaoh buried within.
  3. The study of hieroglyphs has led to a greater understanding of ancient Egyptian culture and beliefs.
  4. The museum displayed a replica of the Rosetta stone, as well as several examples of hieroglyphs, including images of animals, people, and objects.
  5. The archaeologist was fascinated by hieroglyphs, and spent many years studying the writing system in order to gain insights into ancient Egyptian society.