Archconservative (noun)

  1. A person who holds extremely conservative views and opposes political or social change.
  2. A person who advocates for the preservation of traditional values, customs, and institutions and who is opposed to progressive or liberal ideas.


Derived from the greek word 'arche' meaning 'chief' and 'conservative' meaning 'tending to preserve existing conditions'.


  1. The politician was an archconservative, opposing all efforts to expand civil rights and protections for minorities.
  2. The archconservative think tank was dedicated to promoting traditional family values and rolling back progressive social policies.
  3. The archconservative movement was fiercely opposed to any changes to the country's immigration laws, advocating for stricter enforcement and reduced levels of immigration.
  4. The archconservative lawmakers were resistant to any proposals that would increase government spending or regulate the economy.
  5. The archconservative opposition to marriage equality was rooted in the belief that traditional, heterosexual marriage was the only acceptable form of the institution.
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